Rhoda Griffis is an Atlanta-based Actor
John Cusack: “I kept telling Rhoda she should move to LA and get her own sitcom… I guess LA’s loss is Atlanta’s gain.” (Runaway Jury)
Jackie Burch: “When I moved here from LA and met Rhoda, I remember a director jumping up, throwing his arms in the air with joy, from having an actor who is so solid and with quite the range. I was beaming.” (Casting Director)
Peter Hedges: “Rhoda IS the Meryl Streep of the South.” (The Odd Life of Timothy Green)
Andy Fickman: “Rhoda’s just an amazing local ATL actress and she came in for another role…(through her) this character was born and we started adding her to scenes in the movie - we just loved what she was doing.” (Parental Guidance)
For Full Resume go to: www.imdb.me/rhodagriffis
Atlanta Film/TV
645 Lambert Drive Atlanta GA 30324
Thom Milam Tmilam@peoplestore.net
Brenda Pauley bpauley@peoplestore.net
Jacqueline Wheeler Jwheeler@peoplestore.net
Office: 404.874.6448.
Atlanta Commercial
Mystie Buice, Anna Singleton
919 Collier Road NW Atlanta GA 30318
Office: 404.603.9454
West Coast
8695 W. Washington Blvd. Suite 204, Culver City CA 90232
Mitchell K. Stubbs mks@mksagency.com
Office: 310.838.1200
Fax: 310.838.1245